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Our Florist’s Favorite Design’s

Ugraded Serenity Sands Bouquet
Ugraded Serenity Sands Bouquet

Ugraded Serenity Sands Bouquet


Serenity Sands Bouquet
Serenity Sands Bouquet

Serenity Sands Bouquet


A Citrus Glow Bouquet
A Citrus Glow Bouquet

A Citrus Glow Bouquet


A Sunny Citrus Bouquet
A Sunny Citrus Bouquet

A Sunny Citrus Bouquet


Roary the Lion
Roary the Lion

Roary the Lion


A Fresh Blooms Display
A Fresh Blooms Display

A Fresh Blooms Display


Spring Garden
Spring Garden

Spring Garden


Sun- Kissed Radiance
Sun- Kissed Radiance

Sun- Kissed Radiance


A Floral Delight
A Floral Delight

A Floral Delight


Amour Oasis
Amour Oasis

Amour Oasis


A Tropical Love Bloom
A Tropical Love Bloom

A Tropical Love Bloom


Elegant Love Orchards Bouquet
Elegant Love Orchards Bouquet

Elegant Love Orchards Bouquet


A Sweetheart Serenity Blooms
A Sweetheart Serenity Blooms

A Sweetheart Serenity Blooms


Cherry Blossom Kisses
Cherry Blossom Kisses

Cherry Blossom Kisses


A Garden Gathering
A Garden Gathering

A Garden Gathering


Goodness and Light
Goodness and Light

Goodness and Light


Dream Bouquet 💕😍
Dream Bouquet 💕😍

Dream Bouquet 💕😍


Box of Chocolates
Box of Chocolates

Box of Chocolates


A Just Because Bouquet
A Just Because Bouquet

A Just Because Bouquet


Romantic Beauty
Romantic Beauty

Romantic Beauty


Alyssa's Design of the Month

A Sweetheart Serenity Blooms
A Sweetheart Serenity Blooms
A Sweetheart Serenity Blooms

A Sweetheart Serenity Blooms


Get to Know Us

Sapphire Florist is a boutique florist that specializes in unique designs for all occasions. We are located in Alta Loma / Rancho Cucamonga, CA. Our Studio is family owned and operated. It is the vision of the dynamic mother and daughter duo of Alyssa and Liz. Sapphire Florist offers services for weddings, events, graduations, birthdays, anniversaries, funeral, and many other occasions. Another service we are proud to offer is our Monthly Subscription. Check out the following page to find out more information For more information about us please check out our About Us Page.

Sapphire Florist


8695 19th Street

Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91701

Mon - Fri, 9am - 6pm
Saturday - 10am - 2pm

Sunday - Closed


Some of the Companies We Trust Around Rancho Cucamonga

Photo and Film – CB.Photo.Film

Visit Their Website

Bakery – Cake Among Us

Visit Their Website

Where We Can Send Our Designs

Here are some locations that we normally delver our hand crafted arrangements to. However, if you do not see your desired location below just reach out to us via email or phone and we can do our best to accommodate your request.

Alta Loma, Arcadia, Azusa, Charter Oak, Chino, Chino Hills, Claremont, Corona, Covina, Diamond Bar, Duarte, Eastvale, Fontana, Glendora, Guasti, La Verne, Monrovia, Montclair, Norco, Ontario, Pasadena, Pomona, Rancho Cucamonga, Riverside, San Antonio Heights, San Dimas, San Bernardino, Upland, West Covina

91701, 91702, 91708, 91709, 91710, 91711, 91723, 91724, 91729, 91730, 91737, 91739, 91740, 91741, 91743, 91750, 91758, 91761, 91762, 91763, 91764, 91766, 91767, 91768, 91769, 91784, 91785, 91786, 92331, 92334, 92335, 92336, 92337, 92401, 92402, 92403, 92405, 92406, 92410, 92411, 92412, 92413, 92415, 92418, 92423, 92427, 92501, 92502, 92503, 92504, 92505, 92506, 92507, 92508, 92509, 92513, 92514, 92515, 92516, 92517, 92519, 92521, 92522, 92860, 92877, 92878, 92879, 92880, 92882